What is DECA?
• An Association of Marketing Students
• Operates in over 4,500 high schools across the U.S., Puerto Rico, Guam and territories, Mexico, Germany and Canada
• For students who have an interest in a career interest in marketing, hospitality, finance, sales and service, business administration and/or entrepreneurship
What does DECA offer?
• Leadership Development: DECA offers every member the chance to become recognized as a leader. Leadership training exists at each major DECA venue. Opportunities to demonstrate leadership traits take a multitude of forms – from team–building group exercises to event planning; from holding office at the local, state/provincial or national level to winning an individual or team competition. This year, Cypress Bay DECA members have the opportunity to travel to New York City, Arizona, Orlando and California for leadership development.
• Networking: Through DECA you can build relationships with people who may play important roles in your future. Leaders from the business community participate with DECA as guest speakers, judges, advisory board members and sponsors for events. DECA opens the door for you to meet and learn from these successful professionals. You can also network with thousands of other students with similar interests.
• Resume Building:
• Scholarships: DECA awards more than $200,000 in scholarships each year. The more you participate in DECA activities and competitive events, the greater your chance for one of DECA's many scholarships. Major companies such as JCPenney and Safeway show their faith in DECA members by sponsoring these scholarship opportunities as do colleges and universities such as Johnson & Wales and Northwood.
• Work Experience: Whether in or out of the classroom, DECA's co–curricular program helps you experience real–world business situations. In the classroom, DECA provides the knowledge and skills to create a business plan as well as role–play experiences that mirror workplace scenarios. Beyond the classroom, DECA's excellent relationship with the business community makes moving into a cooperative training program or part–time position a smooth transition.
Requirements:High School Student 9-12
Club Sponsor:
M. Williams-Ervin
Location: Rm 140 or 136 Meetings: 2:30 pm - Every other Wednesday Contact Info: Mwilliams-Ervin@dadeschools.net